Reasons Why Your Firewood Won’t Stay Lit

You’re all set for a cosy night by the fire, but the firewood in the fireplace refuses to light! Firewood that turns black and refuses to burn is a vexing problem, especially if it occurs regularly. So, what is the primary reason for a fire not lighting?


Are you Choosing the Right Firewood?

Aside from greenwood being difficult to keep lit, you may be burning the wrong type of wood. Hardwoods are always superior and preferable to firewood to softwoods. Some trees, such as oak, take quite a long time to season and will be difficult to burn. However, once they’ve burned, they’re great for fires indoors and can keep a room warm for hours. Our premium Oak firewood logs are dense and heavy. As a result, you will have outstanding heat. Oak firewood has long been regarded as one of the best in the industry. We cut our oak logs into 20-25cm lengths. As a result, it can be burned in most open fires and wood burners.


Are you Building Your Fire Right?

Are you Assembling the Firewood Correctly? While it may appear that building a fire in a fireplace is simple, there are a few tricks to make the process safer and more sustainable. To start a fire you must start with small pieces and gradually add larger logs as the coals grow larger. Any larger pieces of wood will not burn if you do not do this. They’ll char and turn black. Anything that does light up will go out as quickly as it came on.


A roaring fire can warm your body and soul, but a fire sourced ethically can also help save the planet! Learn how to build the perfect fire that will burn all night, by reading through our step by step guide


Seasoning is Important

Seasoned or kiln-dried wood stored under cover is far more ideal and safe. The wood will keep its dryness and burn cleanly. When purchasing kiln-dried firewood, make sure it’s at least 20% moisture to ensure it burns through. Do your homework and buy from a reputable supplier who uses a genuine kiln drying process, like us. Our Kiln Dried Hardwood logs are made from timber harvested from managed woodlands. The logs are then dried in our Kilns to a moisture content of less than 20%, ensuring the best burning results every time.


Moisture Issues 

Greenwood contains a lot of water and moisture within the pores and fibres of the wood. Which is in no condition to burn, let alone efficiently. Make sure you allow your wood to dry or buy kiln-dried firewood. If you’re storing wood outside, make sure it’s at least two inches above the ground and protected by a groundsheet, canopy, or roof. Not only will this keep moisture out of your wood, but it will also keep insects and critters from nesting among the logs.

Need Help? 

At The Green Olive Firewood Company, we take pride in providing only the best service to our customers. So, if you need any additional information about our products or how to use them, please contact our expert team with any questions, big or small. To contact a member of our team, please call 0203 018 1918 or fill out our online form. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date!